Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter 2012

We had THE most blessed Easter this year.  It is difficult to write about now, but it helps to think back on the joy of that weekend.  I don't have any pictures because I left my camera at home, which I am glad for now.  Someone was looking out for me on that one.

On Holy Thursday we found out that we were pregnant with our second baby.  I was always curious about how it would feel to find out that I was pregnant a second time.  I wondered if it would be as magical as the first time.  It was.  And more.  This time I had a more real idea of what it actually meant.  I was overwhelmed with joy.  What a way to start the most sacred days of the year.  We were able to break the beautiful news to our families and spread the pure happiness that only new life can bring.  And we will always be so grateful for that experience.  

Our excitement was intense, but all too short.  A week later I started to have some complications and we found out that we lost our precious little one.  It feels weird to miss a baby that I only knew for a week, but I do.  So much.  Our lives are forever changed because of our second baby.  

Michael and I are so sad for all of the experiences that we will never get to have with the little life God gave us, but we are happy that our angel will never feel any pain.  She (pretty sure we would have had a girl) got to go straight to paradise.  The end result that we all struggle for every day.  She is already there.  In the arms of her creator that needed her more than we did for one reason or another.  And we have complete and undying trust in that reason.  

I feel held together by all of the prayers of our friends and family.  And as always, the incredible love of our Father.