Friday, January 30, 2015

Caroline's Baptism

Back in November we had Caroline baptized on All Saints Day.  In the morning we all gathered to attend the mass for the Office of Acolyte for Michael's dad as he is going through the deaconate in the diocese of San Antonio.  Archbishop Gustavo celebrated the mass, along with many other priests, and it was absolutely beautiful!  It was so powerful to witness these men dedicate their life to Christ in an even deeper way.  

Before the mass began, Michael's family was chatting with Archbishop, and they mentioned to him that Caroline would be getting baptized later that day.  As a complete surprise to us, during the homily, he said "Where are the parents of Caroline?"  Thank God I was listening as I was engaged in an epic battle with Evelyn back in the cry room.  But somehow our whole little family made it up to the altar where Caroline received the most beautiful blessing.  It was an incredibly special moment for us and our little girl and we are so proud of Pops!

After the mass we headed over to Father Jimmy's parish, St. Margaret Mary, for the Baptism.  We were honored to have John and Casey be her Godparents and promise to help us raise her in the Church.  Michael and I were once again humbled by the number of people that came to support us.  Our families really go above and beyond to show us their love.  

Father Jimmy gave Caroline the stole that he wore during the mass earlier in the day for the priest  to wear at her wedding or for if she joins religious life.

A beautiful beginning to what will surely be an exciting walk with God for our little Caroline Therese.