Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pawelek Beach Trip

These beach babies just kill me.  So sweet.

Beach season is in full swing and we are l-o-v-i-n-g it! We took another trip down to Port Aransas, this time with just the Paweleks.  We stayed in an incredible house right on the beach and had some wonderful quality family time!

The mornings, once again, were my favorite.  

The beach was awesome.  We barely saw anyone else the whole time we were there.  

We spent the evenings making dinner together 

And in the late evenings, we played.  Mostly zumbre zumbre (sp?) Nonstop laughter. 

Waking the the sleeping babies. 

We celebrated Grams' birthday on the last day with some family pictures and a "fancy" dinner.  

I feel so blessed to have inherited 5 siblings that have become some of my best friends and another set of parents to guide me.

Yours Truly,

K.A. & O.B.