Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Birthday: Mom

On Sunday we celebrated my mom's birthday here in College Station.  

Now that I am a mom, I have a whole new appreciation for everything this lady has done for me throughout my life.  There were so many times when I would be up with Cora in the middle of the night that my mind would wander to picturing my mom doing the same thing with me. What a special bond those little late night parties create between a child and their mother, even if the baby doesn't know it at the time.  

I know my mom looks back on those days with me as a baby fondly, but I am fairly certain that she does not share the same sentiments when it comes to my toddlerhood.  Rumor has it I was pretty terrible.  When I was a bit older, I found her numerous articles on the "strong-willed" child that she had saved and have heard many a horrifying story.  Even though we look back and laugh about it now, I am sure she was really struggling at the time!  But in true Mel fashion, she did all the research she could and was dedicated to doing every little thing for her difficult little girl.  I think my sisters would probably agree that we haven't always given our mom the smoothest road, but she has always been there for us no matter what.  Never giving up and rarely losing her temper.  I could learn a thing or two from her easy-going style.  


One thing I really admire about my mom is that she applies this same dedication to her job as well.  Not only is she an incredible mom that was always super involved with us, she is also extremely hard-working and successful in her career.  She has a passion for education like I have never seen!  Even though it was short, I loved the time that we spent working in the same district.  I am sure we annoyed our husbands to no end when we would spend the better part of every night talking about anything and everything to do with school.  I also got a first-hand look at the amount of respect that her colleagues have for her and it would make me so proud to be her daughter.  


Although she is a true professional, she is not the most artistic person in the world (please see picture above). No offense madre, although she would probably be the first to tell you.  However, that never stopped her from doing little things like this to make us feel special.  Whether it was a note in our lunch, or a message on the mirror, she has always let us know how much she cares.  I remember one summer when I went off to Pennsylvania for ballet camp, my mom made me sign on power point (it must have just come out) that said, "Becky is a firecracker."  I loved it and had it hanging on my door all summer and in my room at home after that. I just thought it was so sweet, especially because she knows how much a love stuff like that.  

One thing that I hope to inherent from her in my own motherhood, is the way that she is so willing to hang in the wings, lending her support, while letting her children shine.  She has NEVER pressured me into a decision or given me any unwanted advice.  I have never come across anyone who is less judgmental.  She has always guided me, but never tried to take control.  She gave me the freedom to make my own mistakes, but was always there for me when I would fall.  I now know how hard it is to let go as a mother so I know how difficult it must have been for her, but she never let it show.  In this way, she has taught me what Jesus' love for us is all about.   I was honored to wear her dress on my wedding day.  

I am so excited for Cora to grow up with such a loving grandma.  I hope that inherits my mom's selfless ways.  I can just picture Cora getting all excited to go do science experiments at M.E.'s house (she is somewhat of a science nerd).  I know they will have countless adventures together. 

So, Happy Birthday, Mom, Mel, Melon, M.E., A-mi-mi.  We love you so very much and would be lost without you. 

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